Sunday, June 29, 2014

More at Brockwell…

Another night at Brockwell, these are definitely too far apart!

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Camping @ Brockwell Woods

Just a few pics from the latest camping trip to Brockwell Woods.. Ham n Cheese Toasties, Apple Crumble!!, and obviously a rope swing.

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunny Sunday (again)…

The first trip out for Old Town Jack this year! Where has the year gone!!

Just a quick paddle on the Wansbeck in the afternoon, put in at the Rowing Club and headed up to the weir. Water levels were pretty low the closer to the weir so there wasn’t much point in lifting it over and carrying on. Passed some evil looking swans on the way, which were guarding four ‘ugly ducklings’ so a bit tetchy about me being there.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunny Sunday Sarnie

As planned; up early, bag in the car, canoe loaded and heading to Wansbeck for a sunrise paddle and breakfast! Weather, as planned also, dry sunny and COLD! Temp gauge on the car dancing with 1-2 degrees on the way to Cambois Rowing Club put in. With frost still on the ground pulled in to the car park to be welcomed to a stunning sunrise in the making.. Get on the water quick!!

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

River Ken: St. Johns Town of Dalry to Loch Ken

DAY 1: Approx. 5 miles (for ref. each grid square on large OS map is 1km)

Nice easy access is behind the Church, down the track beside the Police station there’s a car park of sorts and a walk down and over the bridge. Put in just above the bridge and off I went. Apparently can also put in at Allangibbon Bridge which would add a mile or so I guess, but with water levels wasn’t worth it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Boys Camping Trip

The date was set, the rest had wussed out so back to the usual two (me n Michael) plus the kids!! In fairness, Ollie n Jake were absolutely great – not a bit of bother, more or less. Bit of trouble finding it, need to head to the Farm House to sign in and get your map etc. Because of the weather and the tracks being a bit wet had to head round to the top of the woods and down from Barlow Lane. Got fairly nervous about getting back out as the field was VERY muddy and even going down the field could feel the car sliding around. But we made it, and a few trips back n forth the 100yards are so to the pitch, and me and Ollie were getting sorted. A quick couple of hotdogs for us to keep hunger at bay until later. All done and fire just lit for Michael n Jake arriving.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How Mondays Should Be

Weather was a bit less sunny than expected but still decent enough to get up to the River Wansbeck as planned. Put in at Cambois Rowing Club, with it’s own jetti and carpark it was ideal. Loaded up the canoe with some basics (lunch, drink, waterproof etc.) and headed off upstream to see how far I could get before either I gave out or it got too shallow.