Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunny Sunday (again)…

The first trip out for Old Town Jack this year! Where has the year gone!!

Just a quick paddle on the Wansbeck in the afternoon, put in at the Rowing Club and headed up to the weir. Water levels were pretty low the closer to the weir so there wasn’t much point in lifting it over and carrying on. Passed some evil looking swans on the way, which were guarding four ‘ugly ducklings’ so a bit tetchy about me being there.

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Coffee break time! Found a nice little patch of pebbles which I think is usually underwater. Sat in the shade of an overhanging tree and had a nice chill out for ten minutes or so. Few odd looks from passers by. Fair enough I suppose, not every day someone is sat in the middle of the River Wansbeck having a cuppa!

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Quick play at the bottom of the weir under the bridge before heading back down towards the car. Wind had picked up and the further I got back towards the river opening up got a good headwind to work against. Passed the evil swans again which went without much hassle, or so I though fifteen metres passed them! Two of them started having a go at each other and flying towards me.. Passed the canoe by a couple of feet in a mad flutter of wings and then the winner of the two stopped couple of metres ahead of me – then slowly turned it’s head round eyeing me up too!! Oh dear.

I slowly started backing away, quietly.. Very quietly! Until it flapping its wings ‘reared up’ (if swans can do that) in the water. Now the paddle was held firm ready to be used to bludgeon the thing if it came at me! As I continued floating backwards it dropped back down and swam alongside me, so I gave it the space and thankfully it carried on and back to the little ones! Phew…

Back to the car and loaded up, nice few hours on the water – try not to leave it this long again!

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